The Lions Eyeglasses Recycling Program was adopted as an official service activity of Lions Clubs International in October 1994. The goal of the program is to meet the demand for quality eyeglasses in developing nations.
For more than 80 years, individual Lions clubs have collected used eyeglasses for distribution to the needy in developing nations. Since 1996, more than 37 million eyeglasses have been collected, and the number of donations each year continues to grow because of the generous donations from local organizations, optometrists, businesses and individuals within the community.
The simple act of recycling a pair of eyeglasses costs as little as 12 cents, yet the benefits your donated glasses provide is priceless. In many of the developing countries, an eye exam costs as much as one month’s wages, not to mentioned there is limited access to quality eye care in these countries. Your glasses can help to give the gift of sight to those less fortunate.
All types of eyeglasses, reading glasses, sunglasses (prescription and non-prescription) are needed. Your donated eyewear will then be collected, cleaned and classified by prescription. The eyeglasses are then distributed to those in need by Lion volunteers and other organizations hosting optical missions in developing countries.
Please join the Toronto Beaches Lions Club in its efforts to collect by dropping off your used glasses to any of the following Beach retailers, businesses and schools are help support the Beaches Lions
Drop Off Location
Glasses maybe dropped off to 176 Brookside Drive, Toronto. Just leave them in a bag/box any where on the verandah. If you need to contact someone please call Andy at 416 985-1176 or alternatively, Buhotlaw@bell.net
Encourage your friends, neighbours and colleagues to donate their old eyewear too!
Why not start a “Recycle for Sight” drive in your neigbourhood, at the office, at your child’s school.
For more information, or to obtain a donation box for your business or school, please contact:
Eyeglass Chairperson – Georgina John